• Welcome, I'm Mcvean
  • こんにちは, 私は マクヴィーン
  • Buenas tardes, Soy Mcvean
  • नमस्ते, मैं हूँ मैकवीन
  • Bonjour, Je suis Mcvean
  • Guten Tag, Ich bin Mcvean
  • Boa tarde, Eu sou Mcvean
  • 下午好, 我是 麦克维恩
  • 안녕하세요, 나는 맥비안

Full Stack | Developer Advocacy

  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Cloudinary
  • Swagger

A content sharing platform where users can upload, view and share videos. This project contains the backend code for the platform 📹


  • Authentication using JWT
  • MongoDB Aggregation Pipelines
  • Cloudinary for Storage
  • Auto-generating API Docs
  • Custom Server Logs
100% complete